Hot hiring numbers belie the need for strong HR practices

The hottest issue in HR is overcoming the current labor shortage, which exists despite the last month’s hiring boom, and presents troublesome issues for CEOs and CHRO leaders. Last week’s US Department of Labor (DOL) job report showed a shocking…

A stronger culture will improve profitability

There is an irrefutable link between organizational culture and profitability. Organizations with more collaborative, learning, and agile cultures have 22 percent higher profitability than those with static cultures, according to InnovationOne, LLC. Gallup shows even bigger numbers. Although Gallup's’ expertise…

You can’t cut your way to growth

Organizations are resorting to relentless cost-cutting and lean sigma during these volatile times. Their goal is to improve their operations, but they’re doing it in a way that alienates employees. Instead, organizations can achieve breakthrough productivity, innovation, and profits by…

Workshop on innovation cultures at LESI2024 in Madrid!

I am delighted to be co-leading an insightful workshop on “Boosting Innovation by 3X-The Power of Culture Management” with Jason Stolworthy and Jim Keating of Idaho National Labs and my InnovationOne, LLC colleague, Brooke Dobni, PhD., at the LESI 2024…

Five HR Strategies for Success in 2024

Data released last week by the U.S Department of Labor shows there’s a stable, growing workforce with continued strong hiring (216,000 in December) and that salary costs remain rising at a 4.1 percent annualized rate, slightly higher than inflation. These…

Positive organization cultures lead to more satisfied employees—and more

Employees who work in organizations with a positive culture are overwhelmingly more satisfied at work and are consistently more committed to their organizations. That was the conclusion of a recent workplace culture study by the Society of Human Resources (SHRM)…

Culture drives higher performance than employee engagement

Organizations that want to improve their productivity, innovation, and financial performance won't address all the issues by focusing on employee engagement. Instead, they’ll get much better results if they focus on culture. Even Gallup, which has been tracking employee engagement…

Stay ahead of labor force trends by improving your organizational culture

Last week, there was an explosion of news about the labor force that rocked the stock market. The big surprise was that hiring was significantly higher than expected. There was some good news: hiring was lower than in April by…

Gallup: The office alone has no magic to create a great organizational culture

Gallup’s 2023 State of the Global Workforce reveals a wealth of information about the workplace and the workforce. For example, did you know that: Employee engagement and job opportunities in the US and Canada stand at 31 percent, down from…

Department of Energy puts a bullseye on innovation!

Innovation cultures at six US Department of Energy (DOE) Labs surveyed differ significantly according to a study conducted by InnovationOne, LLC, in concert with the Idaho National Laboratory (INL). The Department of Energy put a bullseye on innovation. The results…