Rebuild HR says landmark study

In a recent landmark Harvard Business Review article, Peter Cappelli and Ranya Nehmeh advocate for HR returning to its roots as the advocates for employees and their career development. The current business focus on relentless cost-cutting and restructuring during a…

Companies needn’t fear Title VII lawsuits

Companies need to continue focusing on hiring and retaining their most talented workers, regardless of race or gender. That’s why you shouldn’t worry about lawsuits over Title VII affirmative action practices. And this is despite the US Supreme Court ruling…

Job satisfaction at all-time high thanks to hybrid working and job switching.

According to The Conference Board, US workers have never been more content, despite the pandemic, quiet quitting, quiet firing, and the forwards and backwards over hybrid working. Overall job satisfaction among US workers increased in 2022 to its highest point…

CHRO’s can be held liable for not stopping rampant sexual misconduct.

Earlier this month, a Delaware court found that McDonald’s Corp. board members and the company’s chief human resources officer did not violate their duty to shareholders in handling sexual harassment and misconduct allegations, ruling that the directors’ response was legally…

Beat the Great Resignation with Career Pathing

At the end of last year, I identified top strategies for HR in 2022. In the 2020s, HR strategies are shifting to reinstating powerful, comprehensive talent management strategies to offer employees careers with purpose, excellent pay and benefits, and equity…

The Future of Work Tops the 2022 Priorities List for Leading HR Organizations.

Several research organizations have published their HR Priorities for 2022. I was particularly impressed with the findings of Fuel50 because it looked at an issue the “Best-in-Class” HR organizations are prioritizing: The Future of Work. This priority did not make…

Why and How Performance Management Will Change in the 2020s

Organizations have been talking about changing performance management for years. Many in the past ten years abandoned forced performance rankings or have eliminated performance reviews all together. Others like Facebook have reinstated performance ranking. Compelling business challenges -- more than…

Economists find discrimination in recruiting by race and gender. We can change it.

Economists from the University of California, Berkeley, and the University of Chicago last week released the results of a discrimination audit of 108 companies. The audit revealed that entry-level applications from candidates with a “Black name” get fewer callbacks than…

COVID-19 crushed women’s progress in the workforce. Five steps to turn it around.

What an irony. International Women’s Day, yesterday (March 8th), coincided with the anniversary of the onset of COVID19, a health disaster that brought the international economy to its knees and resulted in a tempestuous year for women in the workforce.…

5 Predictions About the Future of Work for 2021

Last year ended with the FDA approval of Pfizer’s COVID19 vaccine and the vaccination of the first US health care workers on Monday, Dec. 14. The US still has several months of rising COVID19 infections and deaths before 60 percent…