Cortes and the elusive chase of work-life balance

Many employees chase the elusive pursuit of work-life balance, like the Spaniard Cortes combing the jungles of South America in the 16th century, looking for the city of gold, Eldorado. Work-life balance for full-time workers is elusive and nearly impossible…

Struggling to attract more women leaders? Try flexible work arrangements

Companies today are still struggling to attract and develop more female leaders. Although women make up more than half of the U.S. labor force, according to the U.S. Census of 2010, they are underrepresented in leadership roles at all levels.[i]…

Flexible work arrangements will help you win the “war for talent”!

Whether called telecommuting, teleworking or mobile work, flexible work arrangements are highly valued by today’s workforce. They are equally beneficial for companies because they create engaged employees and individuals who are more productive and loyal. Flexible work arrangements are here…