Increase your business revenue with better recruiting data literacy

I am always struck by how many companies fail to track their readily available data. This data offers cost-saving, productivity-enhancing, and revenue-generating information for the picking. If only someone would look. While today’s applicant tracking systems and AI powered chatbots…

Aug. 27 Recruiting Roundtable on data literacy for HR professionals

Join me on August 27th for a recruiting roundtable discussion on data literacy for HR professionals. Piyanka Jain ⭐️and I will discuss how with excel and some simple data sets, along the candidate funnel, HR practitioners can gain valuable insight into…

Join my August 27 virtual session to learn how to hack your recruiting.

While the Pandemic has cooled recruiting in most industries, many HR organizations have upgraded their technologies to conduct online interviews and onboarding. But there is much more to do. Now is the time to hack recruiting processes before the hot…